December 22, 20242.5 hours
Age: 18 & older, under 18 must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian
$120.00 person (It does not include the range fee)

Basic Precision Rifle Course is an introduction to long range shooting.

This course is designed for the shooter who wishes to develop the skills to engage small targets with a high degree of probability for first round hits. This includes sportsmen as well as hunters.

We will discuss equipment selection, the fundamentals for precision rifle marksmanship, scope/MOA, supported field positions, ballistics, and ammunition considerations. Shooting will primarily be done at 100 yards. This course is designed for a rifle with a telescopic sighting device with power magnification. During this class, we will be walking to the target and back. Please wear comfortable boots for such activity.

Shooting Range: If you have a range preference, we can meet you there in DFW are or utilize our preferred public ranges. The students are responsible for student’s range fee. Normally the public range fee is $20-$30 /person
Firearm: The students are encouraged to bring their personal firearms if available. If not, we will provide you one free of charge.
Ammunition: The amount needed will vary based off of the firearms you choose. G38 Mountiain will have ammunition to purchase. If you are using one of our firearms, the ammunition used in it must be purchased from G38 Mountain


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Instructor2 (TBD)

Instructor1 (TBD)
